Savings premiums, house-building subsidies, acquisition subsidies or interest subsidies – the State helps you to help yourself.
The construction of housing and the building-up of private assets are essential goals of the country's economic and social policy. The Luxembourg State subsidises your commitment, in particular through house-building subsidies, acquisition subsidies and interest subsidies. It supports home ownership savings schemes by granting tax breaks. This is because, for very many members of the population, the financing of housing constitutes a carefully constructed, reliable basis for retirement planning through property ownership.
House-building or acquisition subsidies are granted to persons who wish to build or buy a home and thereby to become first-time owners of a house or apartment. The Luxembourg home-ownership savings banks and Info Logement can provide you with information about the other premiums and subsidies, such as savings premiums, home improvement grants, grants in respect of architects' fees and grants for special home adaptations to meet the needs of physically handicapped persons. You should also seek information about possible grants and subsidies from your local authority.
Interest subsidies are granted subject to similar conditions, with a view to reducing the monthly payments burden that weighs particularly heavily on low-income households. Families with children are entitled to interest rebates. Such rebates are calculated according to the number of children. The Luxembourg State subsidises home-ownership savings by means of tax breaks in the context of special expenses.
Application forms, together with all relevant information, can be obtained from:
Service des Aides au Logement
2, avenue Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg